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Monday, April 27, 2015


Melafind ImageMelafind® is a diagnostic tool that gives the dermatologist more information about a mole that is irregular or unusual. It helps the dermatologist make a decision about whether or not to do a biopsy. Melafind® uses colored light and advanced computer technology to let the dermatologist see beneath the surface of the skin and get factual information about the growth pattern of these marks. The dermatologist uses this information along with her own clinical expertise and other information when deciding whether or not to remove an irregular mole.

Melafind® is a 100% objective, non-invasive computer vision system that captures, displays and analyzes data from under the skin’s surface of irregular moles where the naked eye can’t see – even with a dermoscope. It provides information about your skin that is otherwise not available. Melafind® uses light of 10 different wavelengths to illuminate the mole and obtain hidden data from as deep as 2.5 mm beneath the surface of the skin. It then analyzes that information and gives the dermatologist immediate feedback about the growth patterns of irregular moles from underneath the skin’s surface. That information helps decide whether or not to biopsy the mole. No ultraviolet light or x-rays are used with Melafind® and it is not a body scanner.
Because Melafind® uses light and only touches the surface of the skin, this is a painless procedure.
Melafind® has been tested in clinical trials and approved by the FDA. The primary benefit to you is that Melafind® may help the dermatologist decide to biopsy a mole that turns out to be cancerous enabling her to begin treating you when the melanoma may be in its most curable stage.

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